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31/03/2020 - Student Visit to Can Fraser i Albert Tulsà s.l

Student Visit to Can Fraser i Albert Tulsà s.l

2n students of GM “Producció Agropecuària” did two educational visits to complement the machinery syllabus.

In the morning, they visited Can Fraser d’Aiguaviva, where Mr. Jordi Aulet explained to us all kinds of details such as management, maintenance service, failures, productions, prices, profitability and, so on, of all their machinery used.

While in the afternoon, students visited Albert Tulsà s.l company in Riudellots de la Selva. An enterprise for agricultural work to third parties. Albert showed us and explained to us all the machinery they have, the history and evolution of the company as well as the daily work. Above all, the students liked so much the new company acquisition, a tractor of 420cv, of the Class Xerion brand with four directional wheels of the same diameter. From here, we would like to express our gratitude to both companies for their participation and personalized advice to our students.

18/03/2020 - Quintane’s instructors.

Quintane’s instructors.

One of the keys to the educational system of alternation is the engagement of some teachers - usually called “instructors” - with multiple functions beyond teaching.

The instructor goes along with the student in all their studies itinerary and socio-professional incorporation because they are an active actor/actress inside this same socio-professional context and territorial in which the student is part.

Is the paradigm of a new academic profession: is no longer the teacher of a subject, but the teacher who encourages, guides, advises, helps, teaches when it’s necessary, accompanies along the educational way, and provokes the learning interest. (Andreu Gutiérrez, ex instructor of Quintanes).

PDF file:

16/03/2020 -

02/03/2020 - Our students visit FIMA 2020.

Our students visit FIMA 2020.

This week has been held the 41st machinery exhibition in Saragossa, FIMA 2020. On Thursday 27 of February, the 1o of “Agropecuària de Grau mitjà” students, the 1o of “Ramaderia I Sanitat Animal” and the 1o of “Paisatgisme” attended in this important exhibition. They were a total of 62 students.

26/02/2020 - Third position in Catskills '20 of “ Jardineria”.

Third position in Catskills '20 of “ Jardineria”.

Three students of 1st “Grau superior de Paisatgisme” were the representative of the school in the competition of this year. They got a very merit third position. They will be leaded by Mr.Toni Martorell, Quintanes' Head Teacher.

Catskills is a Catalonian competition of vocational training where all the students of Catalan territory compete in 38 jobs related to the studies they are taking.

The Catalonian vocational training tournament CATSKILLS 2.020 is aimed at the Vocational Training promotion through the students’ participation. Furthermore, the competition is extra motivation in their professional itinerary as well as a personal enriching experience; Also very interesting for the connection between the educative schools and teachers because of the exchanging experiences and to establish cooperation among the schools and participant companies.

This tournament is biannual and allows us to show the skills and professional competences of the participant students. Its tests are get inspired in the technical description that regulates the international WorldSkills Competition.

19/02/2020 - Vernis & Taberner equips visit.

Vernis & Taberner equips visit.

The 1o “Producció Agropecuària” students did an educational visit to Vernis & Taberner Equips S.L company in Gurb, franchisee by John Deere brand.

Mr. Manel Lara showed us all and each of one company installations while answering our doubts. At the end of the facilities visit, they took a look at the store and in the exhibition zone of new tractors, where we asked all the questions we had prepared before to take good advantage of the visit. Next, the students were able to visit Santa Anna facilities where there is second-hand machinery.

The visit pleased a lot all the students. Therefore, we want to thank “Can Vernis” with their predisposition and their kind treatment they always grant.

11/02/2020 - Student Visit to the Natural Reserve in Montserrat.

Student Visit to the Natural Reserve in Montserrat.

On 3rd of December, the 2o students of grau superior de forestal went to know about Natural Reserve management in Montserrat. They walked through its paths, and they were able to experience the environment spirituality, following the beautiful hermitages hidden in nature. All that was possible thanks to Ramon Bisbal, their director and father of Manel Gasch, who accompanied us, and showed us secret and unknown hideouts of the massif. A special student visit, different from the others. Rarely the director of a natural park lends himself to attend and accompany a walk of these characteristics. And that’s not all, a father of the benedictine community wants to join and enrich much more the visit, and making it unforgettable. The students have had the chance to know the reality of the management of a singular Reserve like this one and capture its magic.

06/02/2020 - Visit to the Mas La Carrera

Visit to the Mas La Carrera

On 17th of January, Mas La Carrera farm, located in Sant Esteve d’en Bas (La Garrotxa), was visited by the 2o students of Grau Superior de Ramaderia i Sanitat Animal. Mas La Carrera is a familiar company that has 300 beef cows of different breeds. They fatten up and sell calf meat quality products for the Natrus brand. Sergi Pujolriu explained to the students about the development and operation of the current company.

Mas La Carrera is a pioneering because of its introduction of Angus breed cows. This breed is known for its quality meat. But that’s not all, in Mas La Carrera they also do agricultural work on the land. The livestock feed is from their harvest while the case of the cows it’s based on pastures and forages. In summer, cows transhumance to Ripollès and take advantage of mountain pastures. Cows are provident with an individual identification system and the Global Positioning System, GPS, which includes sensors that help the herd’s management.

Fattening calves food is an “unfeed” ration with a high base of fodder. Mas La Carrera is a sample of a company that evolves and undertakes improvements projects. From Quintanes we show our gratitude to Mas La Carrera for the opportunity of making such an interesting visit.

29/01/2020 - Students visited Barça soccer field.

Students visited Barça soccer field.

1st “Grau superior de Paisatgisme i Medi Rural” students visited Barça soccer field facilities. A member of the greenkeepers team explained to us in detail what are the tasks and the importance of having a perfect playing field. The lawn began to have a critical part of the show as well. Something was going to change.

The players were becoming from soccer players to athletes. They needed an immaculate area. The turning point was ten years ago, with a perception change, professionals entered to play. People who were able to transform muddy areas to a marvelous green canvas. They were in charge of making the ball roll perfectly, to achieve an attractive aesthetic composition for the spectators, and generate an exact hard surface to evade players’ injuries. A soccer match goes beyond the goals.

20/01/2020 - Student Visit to Cusachs company.

Student Visit to Cusachs company.

The last 19th of December, the 1o students of GM d’Aprofitament i Conservació del Medi Natural went to Cusachs company de Riell del Montseny.

Through the day we could see and talk about forest machinery. We saw how they cut securely some oaks, how they dragged them, and capstanted and all that refers to the maintenance of the chainsaw. Then in the warehouse, they told us about the different machines such as strimmer tractor, machinery for biomass and so on. Sergi explained to us about the company and different forestry jobs they do. At the afternoon we went to the sawmill where we could observe all sawmill’s machines, trucks in charge of carrying firewood and self-loading truck, one of the company's machines insignia.

From here, we want to thanks the availability and good treatment of the company Cusachs, and in particular Sergi.

10/01/2020 - 10th Ranching sample Casserres.

10th Ranching sample Casserres.

5 January of 2020 celebrated the 10th Ranching sample and 25th King fair of Casserres. This year, with the 10th commemoration edition, the staff and former students of Quintanes school, Josep LLorens, and Joan Torné explained to us that they wanted to give a strong impulse, especially in farming and ranching machinery sample.

A dozen of franchisees of farming machinery have participated, and more than 80 cattle heads have been displayed, doubling the number of the last edition. Regarding the cattle, it was able to see: bovines, birds, equines, ovines, and porcine. These last animals have had some difficulties in their move and displayed in the fair due to sanitary issues. All the earnings of the different raffles done through the morning and popular breakfast are earmarked entirely to “Marató de TV3”. More than fifty stands filled Casserres streets as well, with traditional and proximity products. The fair has been very crowded, we have been able to talk with a lot of people related to the school.

To conclude, we need to highlight the stunning work made but the ex-students of Quintanes, with the support of the “Associació de comerciants de Casserres” and the stockbreeders from its zone. Once again, Quintanes school have been present supporting the sector.

08/01/2020 - Visit to the Mas Bes Dairy Farm

Visit to the Mas Bes Dairy Farm

On 17th December, the Mas Bes dairy farm, received the visit of first-year students of High Level of Livestock and Animal Health. Mas Bes is a company that produces cow milk branded ATO Nature.
Aleix Viñolas, explained the evolution and how the farm operates nowadays, the biogas plant where they produce electricity, and the farm’s visits available to all kind of groups of people interested. The visitors can supplement the experience visiting the historical Farm Museum, seeing the evolution of farmers’ lifestyle, the shop where you can buy several farm’s products, and finally eating in the farm’s restaurant.
One of the next Mas Bes projects will be the installation of photovoltaic solar panels to produce the electricity consumed by the farm. Mas Bes is an example of a company open to the public, which evolves, undertakes news projects, and announces products which are the result of their work and values. We, the School, thank the Mas Bes farm, for giving us the opportunity to make this interesting visit. More information: https://www.masbes.com/

+ info: https://www.masbes.com

08/01/2020 - Christmas Lunch 2019

Christmas Lunch 2019

Happy new year! We come back with renewed energy, looking forward to an even better 2020.
The photo shows the Christmas lunch where Quintane’s families and staff share the table and desire to begin a new period with more harmony, cooperation and effort than ever.
A memory to start the new year with a smile and illusion.

13/12/2019 - Student Visit to “El Pinós Nou” farm of dairies cows.

Student Visit to “El Pinós Nou” farm of dairies cows.

On 3rd December, the 2o students of Cicle Formatiu de Grau Mitjà de Producció Agropecuària, visited “El Pinós Nou” a family-owned dairy cow farm located in Rupit.

The daily milk work follows the protocol to provide milk quality, and the quality is certificated by the periodic audits of the productive process. The cows are distributed in homogenous groups for their best well-being and productive organization. The cows are fed with portions adapted on their necessities, based on the food analysis. Another important aspect is the management and reproduction controls, and the selection of morphological character, productive and functionals characters of the females assigned for replacement.

The selection is made thanks to the genomics analysis, the use of sexed/sexing semen, the use of stallions with A2A2 genes, and so on. The cows in pre-birth phase have a wide reserved space, made it to facilitate the highest comfort and the birth of the cows. Sanitary Control is based on the prevention and starts with the correct transmission of defences that mother does to her newborn calf with the quality colostrum ingestion. Other last things introduced at the height of environmental management are the distance Solid-Liquid of the purine, the composting of the solid fraction and the reuse for the cow bed. We express our gratitude to Gerard, Jorge and Sebastián, responsibles for the farm, to their attention and explanations of the different aspects of the farm they keep in mind: management, feeding, reproduction, genetics, sanity, facilities, animal well-being, environmental management, etc.

18/11/2019 - Student visit to HONDA GREENS

Student visit to HONDA GREENS

Thursday, 14th of November the 1o students of GM of Jardineria visited Honda Green’s facilities in La Garriga. This visit is associated with the machinery of the gardening syllabus. Mr Pedro Sillero explained to us everything related with the most used machines in the sector. For instance: lawnmowers, strimmers, chainsaws of the ECHO brand, and so on. We were able to check the cut of the manual SILKY tools. After all of this, we visited the facilities and they gave us a demonstration of some machines mentioned before. In addition, we talked about the present and the future of the new battery machines in this sector. It is important to keep abreast of market newnesses showed by the leaders. A very nice visit, very grateful for the students.

12/11/2019 - Student Visit to Can Toi porcine farm

Student Visit to Can Toi porcine farm

7 of November, the 2o GM students of “Producció Agropecuària” visited Can Toi porcine farm located in Sant Marti Sescorts. “Can Toi” is a familiar farm type and an innovative farm model with a continuous improvement spirit, and with projects to keep adapting in the current situation of the market and all the sectors demands We appreciate Ramon Molist and Pedro Casals, who are in charge of the farm, for their attention and explanations of the different aspects they keep in mind for the farm: genetics, management, alimentation, reproduction, facilities, health service, environmental process and so on. bienestar animal, gestión medioambiental, etc.

05/11/2019 - Director visit of SS Iaalatten de Segangan, Morocco

Director visit of SS Iaalatten de Segangan, Morocco

We are curious, we like to share to improve. This is one of our characteristics, discover and exchange educative project experiences over the world. We have had a visit of Mr Idahri, director of SS Iaalatten de Segangan (Nador, Morocco). A very enriching day.

FR: Nous sommes curieux, nous aimons partager pour nous améliorer. C’est l’une de nos caractéristiques: découvrir et échanger des expériences de projets éducatifs dans le monde entier. Aujourd'hui, nous avons eu la visite de M. Idahri, directeur du SS Iaalatten de Segangan (Nador, Maroc). Une journée enrichissante.



Since 2 years ago, EFA Quintanes School has provided ECC school year (European Chainsaw Certificate). School intends to get close to the companies and self-sufficient to make a professional and improve safety and work in the forest sector conditions. We provide ECC1, ECC2 and ECC3. Also, Quintanes offer the possibility to do a “preparatory” intensive course for those who have done an official ECC school year and want to do an exam. Currently, more than 25 persons have done this academic training. Each time the number of people interested increase and contact us to request information because it’s necessary to promote in the workwise or to guarantee business professionalism. If you are interested to know about when is the next academic training, call 93.850.24.41 or send an email to efa@quintanes.com. The groups are small.

+ info: http://www.quintanes.com/carnet-motoserra

08/10/2019 - VT to the agrarian company of Soler de N'Hug.

VT to the agrarian company of Soler de N'Hug.

The last 20 of September, the 1o students of GS of “Ramaderia i assistència animal” visited the agrarian company of Soler de N’Hug in Prats de Lluçanès. There, we were able to see a company working with different production (milk, meat), various types of cattle (bovine, ovine, porcine) and the last fabrication (milk, meat) that are assigned to short circuit sells (own stores and small butchers) and not for the industry. And that’s not all, because at this point it’s the only Catalan company that has a low capacity abattoir destined to the ovine animals who have been breed in the same company. We want to show gratitude for the disponibility of Peraire brothers (Abel and Pep) and also their father (Toni) for explaining to us how it works such a varied agrarian company

08/10/2019 - VT to the agrarian company of Mas Terricabres.

VT to the agrarian company of Mas Terricabres.

The last 4 of October, the students of 2o of GM “Agrario” went to visit an agrarian company of Mas Terricabres in Oristà. This visit consists to see a familiar business to make the students think about ideas for the project they do during this course. Besides visiting the cattle: beef cows, calves and pigs, they showed us about their work with alternative energies like photovoltaic sheets and biomass splinter for the heatings. The company is also working with different native of chickpeas, green tomatoes and wheat to prevent their extinction. It has been a pleasant visit and the family has attended us excellently.

30/09/2019 - VT Route in Osona forests.

VT Route in Osona forests.

To start the academy course with energy and cause awareness, each year we organize a trip with Gestió Forestal i del Medi Natural students in Osona. The trip was in Vidrà-St. Pere de Torelló by Forat Micó. This route is done for some reasons: in order to observe different kind of forests, to work the plants associations, to visualize the different plants in function of the climate and to get a closer the forestry process and last, but not least, to promote group cohesion.

27/09/2019 -

Last Friday 27th, a student group from “Gudewill Schule OBS mit gymnasialem Angebot” school in Thedinghausen visited us. Thedinghausen is a municipality of Verden district, in Lover Saxony, Germany. It is located on the left border of Weser, about 15 km to the west of Verden, and 20 km southeast of Bremen.

The school students are doing a foreign exchange program with Santpedor school, and connoisseurs of Quintanes’ path regarding the stay and exchanges. They requested to visit our school. They have received an explanation of the alternative education system that is one of EFA Quintanes' identity features since the beginning. Afterward, they were able to walk around its facilities and through the forest of Quintanes.

26/09/2019 -

The year starts with a lot of activity since the first day. The students of 1st “Grau superior de Paisatgisme i Medi rural” visited the botanical garden Marimurtra located in Blanes. An intriguing visit for the more than four thousand plant species, most of them exotic, as well as the different extraordinary specimens for its age or dimensions.

Marimurtra is the work of a passionated man towards nature. Carl Faust (Hadamar, Germany 1874 - Blanes 1952), an entrepreneur established in Catalonia, he dedicated his illusion, effort and all his heritage to the realization of his dreams.https://www.marimurtra.cat/ + info: https://www.marimurtra.cat/

+ info: https://www.marimurtra.cat/

01/07/2019 - Monitoring visits of Dual Training.

Monitoring visits of Dual Training.

With the aim of responding to the needs of the work market, the vocational training dual bet to increase the collaboration among professional educational centers and companies, in the student's formative process. In this school year 2018 -2019 we have started to teach in the dual modality the medium-grade cycle of agricultural production. The agreements of collaboration between the company and the school have been formalized to be able to carry out the FCT in the modality dual. After educating the company tutor, the individual agreement is implemented where the conditions are established in order to develop a dual training. After some time, when the student is in a company, the monitoring visits begin which will determinate how will be the following of the practices and the objectives are defined for the student who will have to achieve them during summer.

+ info: http://queestudiar.gencat.cat/ca/estudis/fp/mesures-flexib/fp-dual/index.html

19/06/2019 - Technic Journey of fruit growing in Mas Badia (IRTA)

Technic Journey of fruit growing in Mas Badia (IRTA)

The technic journey of fruit growing has provided the quality improvements of the second medium-grade students of agriculture and livestock holding, in the discovery of new varieties and crop techniques. They visited Mas Badia, a center that works together with IRTA. It's about an experimental farming season which has as objective conduct the activities of agricultural experimentation that allow the improvement and orient the province of Gerona's farming.

+ info: http://www.irta.cat/ca/centre/mas-badia/

Showing 25 news items (51-75) of 561