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16/09/2013 -

16/09/2013 -

09/09/2013 -

09/09/2013 -

15/08/2013 -

09/07/2013 -

01/07/2013 -

01/07/2013 -

01/07/2013 -

17/06/2013 -

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13/06/2013 -

12/06/2013 -

06/06/2013 -

+ info: http://www.calbernadas.com

29/05/2013 - XII Inter-county herbacious crop information day

XII Inter-county herbacious crop information day

On the 29th May the school took part in the above-mentioned information day, with participation from the medium-level pig breeding course students, which took place at the IRTA's experimentation fields at Mas el Jovell in Gurb. On the day participants learned about;Advancements in the field of wheat vegetation.

New varieties of barley.

Identification of diseases in wheat and barley.

Fertilisation methods to produce high quality wheat.

Production of local-made bread types, like Xeixa and Forment.

+ info: http://www.irta.cat/es-es/RIT/Noticies/paginas/Jornada_intercomarcal_cultius_herbacis.aspx

23/05/2013 -

+ info: https://sites.google.com/site/aerosystemroti/

22/05/2013 -

+ info: http://www.lariera.cat/

16/05/2013 -

15/05/2013 -

15/05/2013 -

14/05/2013 - Second Year Gardening Course trip to Tuscany

Second Year Gardening Course trip to Tuscany

In the second half of May the medium level, second year gardening students went on a study visit to Tuscany; a beautiful region, especially in the spring time. This was one of the reasons we decided to travel to this area, as well as to enjoy the cultural and artistic joys of Florence. We also enjoyed the landscape and gardens of Bomazo and Prato, the business-world aspects of Pistoia and in questions of tradition and customs, the city of Perugia. On the trip we also learned a great deal about the beginnings of Italian gardening during the Renaissance period and its later development. We certainly feel proud to make up what constitutes the continuation of Mediterranean gardening.

09/05/2013 - Study visit to different irrigation systems

Study visit to different irrigation systems


On Thursday 9th May the first-year CFGM Pig breeding production students made visits to the following farms; La Coromina Ramadera, in Sant Quirze de Besora and Saborit-Casas, in La Gleva. The head of both farms, Mr Ramon Saborit, explained to us about the different irrigation systems used on each site, as well as the various agricultural and livestock-related activities practised there. Students also had the chance to see the different examples of farm machinery that are used. 

08/05/2013 - Els SOTS study visit

Els SOTS study visit


On Wednesday 8th May the first year Gardening CFGM group visited the SOTS plant in Centelles. There we learned all about compost using the ELGAN method, a mixture of micro-organisms that produce incredible results. We were able to see the whole process and were surprised that the gardening type was inoderous. As on other visits we were able to meet up with ex-students.

07/05/2013 - Study visit to the Can Barrina compost plant

Study visit to the Can Barrina compost plant

On Tuesday 7th May, the first year CFGM Gardening students made a fascinating visit to the livestock farm ´Can Barrina`, located in Santa Cecília de Voltregà. Can Barrina holds milk-producing cows as well as pigs, whose waste, as well as other organic matter, is turned into compost. The person in charge of the compost producing procedure, Mr Jaume Heras, explained to the students about the compost's special properties produced by the systems they use; aerobic systems, static piles and forced ventilation. Our students could also see how temperature and oxygen are regulated regarding the compost layers and the results of the different mixtures, some of which combine compost with special soil, pine cork...etc, in order to obtain a variety of products for gardening, nurseries and horticulture.

07/05/2013 - Study visit to ´Mas Badia`, in La Tallada d'Empordà, IRTA experimentation fields

Study visit to ´Mas Badia`, in La Tallada d'Empordà, IRTA experimentation fields


On Tuesday 7th May the second year CFGS Pig breeding organisation and management course students went to visit the IRTA centre in La Tallada d'Empordà. The students were able to see experimental fields of extensive crops, where the IRTA technician, Mr Joan Serra, showed them how to detect and diagnose visually diseases and plagues found in cereal crops, observing the symptoms and levels of infestation. They also learned about ways to fight these problems and the differences in infection of sensitive and resistent varieties of crop, as well as the disparities of disease in examples treated with and without fungiside. 

Showing 25 news items (476-500) of 561