+ info: http://trosdesort.cat/ca/productes.php
+ info: http://www.ensenyament.com/
On the 23th February the students of the Superior Degree in Livestock and Assistance in Animal Health visited the farm Mas Serí, which is a farrow-to-finish pig farm. Judit Roca, the person in charge at the farm, explained to the students how the farm is organized and the premises for each production phase, paying especial attention to the ventilation’s systems. Judit Roca is also the manager of AEROSYSTEM ROTI which is a company in ventilation and engineering of pig farms. Students could see different products and services that the company offers in order to reach an optimal control of the farm’s climate, such as: The “Rotisuit”, one system of efficient weaning, that does not need heating to create a conformable environment, el “piglets’saver Rotivent”, ventilations systems that operate by overpressure, cooling’s systems, and modular construction Roti systems, etc. We, the School, thank the Mas Serí, for giving us the opportunity to make this interesting visit.
+ info: http://www.aerosystemroti.com
The First Middle-Grade Forestry students went to visit the Company FONT at Navàs. Mr. Jesus Font showed them a large group of winches, forestry staples, chippers, shredders and chain saws. They had very different features and brands. They could see ‘in situ’ the new remote control for winches and all security elements that they have been incorporated in this machine and its advantages. Nowadays the work is easier and safer.
On the 1st Tuesday December, the group of students who study the second year of the Superior Degree of Management in Agricultural and Livestock Production, visited the company “Cal Bernadàs”. The main activities of this company are extensive crops, pig fattening, veal fattening, and Agrotourism. This later activity started after the forest fires that occurred in the county in 1994. Then three houses, that had been abandoned, were rehabilitated, and nowadays the Agrotourist activity has become the more important income source of the company. This is why they have been impelled to buy a new piece of Land: one property in Castellterçol (El Munt), which is one Agrotourism house nearer to Barcelona, and to do several continuous improvements in the surroundings areas of the boarding agrotouristic houses, such one paddle ground and playgrounds in every single rural house. In this visit the persons who spoke to us were: Anna (daughter of the owner), their mother (Ramona Casals), and Josep Llorens (who is one worker in the company, and who was a former student in Quintanes School). They all explainer how the company operates, how it started, and the growing process of the touristic activities. A very good visit which is part of the study program framework of the so called “alternative chances in farms”.
+ info: http://fundaciomap.org/